
Title Productivity

Increase efficiencies within your title and escrow departments without expensive and risky software upgrades. Sentry’s productivity tools enable integration with legacy and modern title and escrow software. These integrations leverage your existing infrastructure coupled with workflow tools make your current employees more efficient and productive. We do this by automating basic workflow tasks, low value/non-insured title products and improving the examination and posting processes. Our productivity tools allow your operation to grow and increase profitability while continuing to provide high paying and rewarding employment.

We don’t replace employees; we make them more productive!


Replacing legacy title systems can put your business at risk so in the short term there is no reason to replace them. Software that overlays these legacy and modern title plant systems provides a single, modern search, automation, title product and powerful API gives your operation the short- and long-term answer to pushing your business forward. To date our middleware has overlaid legacy systems including TitleScan, Ultima/Title Search, Property Insight (TitlePoint), Canaan, AlphaMax3, PropertySync and others including custom in house software. Once the middleware is in place, a common set of tools, integration options, API’s are made available. This frees up your operation to easily switch to a new title back end or stay with your current solutions long term. Other companies offering similar services as Sentry may or may not be your competitors and will force you to use their title plant, systems and processes.


Escrow integration is key to productivity within your title department. Simply enter an order into your escrow platform and the integration and processes handle the rest. Automate your search and chain process, create title products, push data, maps and other documents directly into your escrow platform in seconds.


Sentry’s search and chaining services utilize your title plant software via integration as well as many different data sources to improve search results, data accuracy and end products in which they may be used. Multiple document resources and databases are combined with advanced search algorithms, OCR, AI to produce results unmatched in the industry. The results can then be presented to title officers as a productivity service or directly to a document service in the form of an automated title product.


Leveraging our title plant integration services with the search and chain processes you can produce insured and non-insured title products in an automated fashion. No more spending hours creating ownership and encumbrance reports or other low value products. Automate the production of these reports!


Sentry’s posting productivity services give developers the power to load data from recorded documents directly into your posting form. Eliminate time intensive typing and concentrate more on quality control. The service is offered via Restful API endpoint. This endpoint receives the document, processes it via OCR and AI routines and returns JSON of data columns and potential categories of the data.